When you have something important to tell

It is important that our employees and our business are well. Problems and serious issues therefore need to be raised to give our organization the opportunity to act.

We can resolve many situations simply by talking to each other as soon as they arise. However, sometimes things can happen that require a completely different kind of management. That’s why we offer a whistleblowing channel. Also, because the law requires it. Read more in our whistleblower policy.

Use Trumpet

Trumpet is an externally managed whistleblower function. You can report any irregularities anonymously, securely and confidentially to independent case officers.

To access the Trumpet whistleblowing function, click on the button below.

The Trumpet system provides clear guidance throughout the entire process. Here you can also read more specifically what applies to whistleblowing and how the law protects you who makes a report. The function is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Read more about Trumpet here

Read our privacy policy here