At Senab, we have a long history of creating innovative and functional sales environments, not least for the automotive industry. With that experience and our curious view of the world, we always want to challenge ourselves to exceed our customers' expectations. An excellent example of this is our work with BMW Northern Europe, where we are part of the implementation of their BMW Retail Next concept.

  • Nacka

  • Concept: Goldstein
    Building architect: Ettelva
    Senabs architects

  • Interior design proposals, custom-made furniture, furniture delivery, project management & assembly

BMW Retail Next, launched globally in October 2023, represents BMW's vision for the future of automotive retail. Our partnership with BMW Northern Europe began in 2021, at a time when the automotive industry is undergoing major changes towards more personalized and engaging customer experiences.

Our task is now to adapt and implement this in their facilities, which places high demands on both design and functionality.

Our work began with an extensive planning phase, where we worked with the architects to develop a detailed interior design strategy that would turn BMW's vision into reality. We developed custom furniture and design solutions that not only harmonized with BMW's global guidelines but also enhanced the local presence and customer experience.

Our role

Senab's role in the project ranged from the initial design proposals from the architectural firms to the final installation and assembly of the interior. This included everything from furniture and furnishings to custom-made details, ensuring a functional and inspiring retail environment that reflected the BMW brand.

 BMW's feedback on our role in the project has been overwhelmingly positive.

The final result

Although we have extensive experience in designing and implementing car showroom projects, each new project presents new challenges, but also opportunities to deepen our knowledge. BMW Bilia Nacka was definitely such a project, with several unique design elements and special solutions that challenged us to think new and creatively.

By carefully listening to and understanding their needs and visions, together we managed to develop and create a car showroom with a car buying experience that matches the driving experience of a BMW.

Curious to know more about this project or how we work with our international clients?

Find out more about Johanna Kliger

+46 765 33 5130

Photo: Taras Luchka




Värmdö Cultural Center